Services for this 100 acre commercial/industrial park in Kent included engineering and surveying on over 25 parcels, developed over a 15 year period. Tasks included the design of street extensions, vacations and relocations, storm drainage, utility planning, and design implementation. We also oversaw the interfaces with adjacent wetlands.
BRH provided the complete site civil design for the 270,000 square foot 45-80 Building at Paine Field. The work included preliminary investigation and feasibility analysis for a regional fire system booster pump, full site grading plans, utilities, and site erosion control.
This is a 65-acre business park in Bothell, adjacent to the Canyon Park development. Our civil services included site grading, storm conveyance and detention, and street improvements. As individual parcels were developed we provided site planning and utility design.
Full site design, on this 120-acre distribution center in North Bend, included the Gardiner Creek levee and 16″ diameter water transmission and distribution mains. We also provided a sewage lift station and on-site holding tanks serving the 385,000 square foot facility. Access roads and parking were also designed and followed through the construction phase.
BRH provided multi-phase services on this site in Federal Way. This commenced with due diligence, and conceptual designs prepared in concert with the architectural team. Our scope included access, egress and loading layouts, to schematic and final designs for site development.
A $71 million, multi-phased project, in Renton, contains 1.3 million square feet of commercial space and parking for 7,800 cars. The 150-acre site incorporates a 35-acre nature preserve. BRH provided total development support for this property. Involvement in numerous site development activities proceeded for over a decade.
Production activities at the North Creek Plant in Bothell include newsprint roll storage and conveyance, printing, packaging, and truck loading. BRH provided segregation support mapping and an ALTA survey. We have also completed multiple surveys for the Time’s Seattle HQ facilities.
This plant provides steam for over 175 businesses via 18 miles of pipeline. BRH scanned the lower two floors of the building. Each floor was approximately 10,000 square feet. We met the challenges of performing the scan while the plant was fully operational, working in confined areas, and tying scan data to existing building control.
This plant at Paine Field manufactures cockpit controls. BRH mapped 14 acres, provided lease and easement descriptions, prepared a construction layout and conducted an ALTA survey and a record of survey. Additional services were requested to map 19 surrounding acres of open land, including wetland boundaries.